Monday 19 March 2012

Land and Resources

Some positives regarding land and resources were that the British modernized India. They did this by building railways that connected growing regions in the interior to the growing regions along the coast. This helped the 30 million acres that were recently put into cultivation by allowing farmers to trade their goods and increase profit. They also set up telephone lines, damns, irrigation canals and approximately 70, 000 miles of paved roadways. All of these were real improvements to India's agriculture and quality of life in general.

Unfortunately, there were some negatives when it came to the imperialism of India. During the British raj/reign, many Indian farmers and villages were forced to grow cash crops, which were basically crops they grew to pay off the heavy taxes the British imposed. This destroyed their cottage industries, giving them the inability to feed themselves. Other native Indian farmers could not compete with the changing agriculture industry.


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